Which computer was as big as a bus? Why are bears called teddies? What did people use before fridges? With detailed, lively answers to these and many other fascinating questions, I Wonder Why Zips Have Teeth is a perfect introduction to the world of inventions. Combining incredible information with awesome artwork, it is guaranteed to amaze and inspire!
4 Why do people invent things?
3 Is everything invented?
B Where do inventors get their ideas?
6 Which new invention was
soon on everyone's lips?
6 Who wore o mouthful of hippo teeth?
7 Why were plasters first invented?
8 Who first flushed the toilet?
9 Who first jumped in the both?
9 How did horses help keep carpets cleon?
10 Who invented raincoats?
10 Why do zips hove teeth?
11 Con clothes keep you feelin9 fit?
12 What did people use before fridges?
13 How were drinking straws invented?
14 Why ore bears called teddies?
15 Which toy is 6,000 Bears old?
15 When did home computer games appear?
16 How do you make toast without a toaster?
17 Who invented the microwave oven?
17 Why don' t non-stick frging pans stick?
18 Who scored goals in a basket?
18 Why are trainers so springy?
19 How did people ice-skate in summer?
20 What were the first cars like?
20 How do you ride on air?
21 Which bikes have soils?
22 How con you fit 1,000 books in your pocket?
23 Which computer was as big as a bus?
23 Who was Mr Biro?
24 How did a till settle a row?
25 Who used tea as money?
25 How con o supermarket trolley make you rich?
26 Which come first screws orscrewdrivers?
26 Who had everything under lock ond key ?
27 Could o horse mow the lawn?
28 Who took hours to take a photo?
28 When could you watch pink TV?
29 Who invented the personal stereo?
30 How can you fight a hungry dinosaur?
31 Are there insects on Mars?
32 Index