In this edition of the play David Bevington shows bow the theatricaI design ard imaginative vision of Antony and Cleopatra make it one of Shakespeare’s most remarkable tragedies.
The edition iS throughout attentive to the pla, as theatre:a detailed,illustrated account of the stage history iS followord,in the commentary,by discussion of staging optic offered by the text The ommentary iS especially full and helpful.
In this edition of the play David Bevington shows bow the theatricaI design ard imaginative vision of Antony and Cleopatra make it one of Shakespeare’s most remarkable tragedies.
The edition iS throughout attentive to the pla, as theatre:a detailed,illustrated account of the stage history iS followord,in the commentary,by discussion of staging optic offered by the text The ommentary iS especially full and helpful.
List of illustrations
List of abbreviations and conventions
Date and sources
The contrarieties of critical response
The ironic gap between word and deed
Transcending limits
Genre and structure
Note onthetext
List of characters
Supplementary note
Textual analysis
Reading list