This is the first complete new translation of Bernstein's most famous and influential work. It will provide students with an accurate and unabridged edition of what has come to be recognised as the classic defence of democratic socialism and the first significant critique of revolutionary Marxism from within the socialist movement. First published in 1899, at the height of the Revisionist Debate, it argued that capitalism was not heading for the major crisis predicted by Marx, that the revolutionary rhetoric of the German Social Democratic Party was out of date, and that socialism could, and should, be achieved by piecemeal reform within a democratic constitutional framework.The historical significance of Bernstein's work lies in its being the focal point of one of the most important political debates of modern times. Its con-temporary relevance lies in the light it casts on 'the crisis of Communism'.
Editor's note
List of abbreviations
Principal events in Bernstein's life
Bibliographical note
Biographical notes
1 The basic tenets of Marxist socialism
(a) The scientific elements of Marxism
(b) The materialist conception of history and historical
(c) The Marxist doctrine of class conflict and the
development of capital
Marxism and the Hegelian dialectic
(a) The pitfalls of the Hegelian dialectical method
(b) Marxism and Blanquism
The economic development of modem society
(a) Remarks on the meaning of Marx's theory of value
(b) The distribution of income in modem society
(c) Occupational classes in the production and
distribution of social wealth
(d) Crises and the ability of the modem economy to adapt
4 The tasks and opportunities of Social Democracy
(a) The political and economic prerequisites of
(b) The effectiveness of economic cooperatives
(c) Democracy and socialism
(d) The most immediate tasks of Social Democracy