THE BASIC PRECEPTS of the Dhammapada endure as an inspiring chronicle of Buddhist thought and feeling. Transcending the boundaries of time and place, this great work comprising over four hundred proverbs is a vital component of the Pali Buddhist canon. One of the first Buddhist texts translated into English, the Dhammapada (or Path to Virtue) has appeared in thirty different languages and in over a hundred different versions. Its universal appeal stems from its eloquent reflections on the broader aspects of life as well as its relevance in day-to-day living. Attributed to the Buddha, this rich collection, subdivided into twenty-six distinct themes, forms a unified work of spiritual guidance.
Few of the sacred texts of the world,s great religions present their wisdom with the clear simplicity of the verses of the Buddhist Dhammapada, or Path to Virtue. Its direct style, clarity, and beauty place it at the forefront of Buddhist sacred literature, and its noble intent raises it to the highest level of humanity"s spiritual guides. Easily accessible to any reader, the Dhammapada offers a wealth of wisdom for the novice, as well as the most ardent and experienced of spiritual seekers.
Gathered by Buddhist masters into related groups--"On Earnestness," "Flowers," "The Fool," "The Wise Man," "Happiness," "Pleasure"--these ancient texts transcend the limitations of time, tradition, and culture to express the ethical principles underlying all wise and compassionate philosophy and conduct. Here are the Four Truths that reveal the nature of the world and our lot in it; here also is the Eightfold Path, the way to enlightenment, incorporating the means to over come the essential suffering revealed by the Four Truths as the essence of life. The Dhammapada serves as a coherent summation of the necessities for following the Eightfold Path as well as an encouraging and thought-provoking resource to consult along the way.
Expressed with great beauty and translated with painstaking scholarship, this classic guide is certain to stimulate, challenge, and inspire students of religion and philosophy as well as all who thirst for enlightenment.
I. The Twin-verses
II. On Earnestness
III. Thought
IV. Flowers
V. The Fool
VI. The Wise Man
VII. The Venerable
VIII. The Thousands
IX. Evil
X. Punishment
XI. Old Age
XII. Self
XIII. The World
XIV. The Buddha--The Awakened
XV. Happiness
XVI. Pleasure
XVII. Anger
XVIII. Impurity
XIX. The Just
XX. The Way
XXI. Miscellaneous
XXII. The Downward Course
XXIII. The Elephant
XXIV. Thirst
XXV. The Bhikshu
XXVI. The Brahmana