Hieronymus Bosch (c.1453-1516) was one of those rare artists who introduce a new vision to the history of his medium. His phantasmagoric images of Heaven and HeLL were conjured out of the visions and myths that swirled and howl,ed in the minds of many Christians poised between the MiddLe Ages and the Reformation in Northern Europe. These same images seem to have a special relevance to our own era, which has elevated the painter to that pantheon of heroes who unfUnchingty faced the human condition. For not only do Bosch's tormented demons prefigure the discovery of the unconscious with its demonic forces, but his portrayal of the destructive power of machines proved a prophesy of our own ditemmas. As a painter who broke down and stepped outside of the established boundaries of his art, he is one of a handful, of precursors of the art of our time, with its emphasis on original.ity of expression.
Living far from the centers of art and culture in a smatt Netherl.andish town, Bosch displayed a talent that was neither provincial, nor naive. His vision was serious, vast in scope and sure of itself, and never without its tinge of mocking and irony. His ghastly fancies were characteristic of the age, visible evidence of the fear of witchcraft and devilry that obsessed his contemporaries. White the subjects he chose to paint were unusual., his grasp of their sources in scripture, mysticat texts, and homiletic Literature reveal, an inteLLect of uncommon power. A Lone wotf and a curious personality, it was inevitable that he would be an innovator.
Hieronymus Bosch by CarL Linfert
The Hay Wain (detaiL)
The Seven DeadLy Sins (detaiLs)
The Seven DeadLy Sins (detaiLs)
The Operation for the Stone (The Cure of FoLLy)
The Conjurer
Ecce Homo
The Adoration of the Magi
The Ascent to CaLvary
The Hay Wain (detaiL)
The Hay Wain (detaiL)
The Hay Wain (detaiL)
The Hay Wain (detaiL)
Death and the Miser (detaiL)
The Ship of FooLs
Ecce Homo
The Temptations of Saint Anthony (detaiL)
The Temptations of Saint Anthony (detaiL)
The Temptations of Saint Anthony (detaiL)
The Temptations of Saint Anthony (detaiL)
The Temptations of Saint Anthony (detaiL)
The Temptations of Saint Anthony (detaiL)
The Temptations of Saint Anthony (detaiL)
The Last Judgment (detaiL)
The Last Judgment (detaiL)
The Last Judgment (detaiL)
The Last Judgment (detaiL)
Saint Jerome in Penitence
Saint Christopher with the Christ ChiLd
The Garden of DeLights (detaiL)
The Garden of DeLights (detaiL)
The Garden of DeLights (detaiL)
The Garden of DeLights (detaiL)
The Garden of DeLights (detaiL)
The Garden of DeLights (detaiL)
The Garden of DeLights (detaiL)
The Last Judgment (detail of fragment)
The Last Judgment (detaiL of fragment)
Christ Carrying the Cross (detaiL)
The Adoration of the Magi (detaiL)
The Adoration of the Magi (detaiL)
The Adoration of the Magi (detaiL)
The Adoration of the Magi (detaiL)
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
The Temptation of Saint Anthony (detaiL)