Such is the lament of George Trimble, just one of the many good folk of Spoon River--late of the grave and raised from the dead to bear witness to life. Whether minister or judge, housewife or mayor, clerk or carpenter, banker, lawyer, or town drunk, these monologues form an unforgettable legacy of the private hopes, the dreams and the aspirations, the successes and the failures, the jealousies and the betrayals, the prejudices and the disillusionments of the people of Spoon River.
Based on the many small midwestern towns where Edgar Lee Masters spent his youth--but in a voice that speaks to all--Spoon River Anthology is a portrait of human beings in all their complexity.
Such is the lament of George Trimble, just one of the many good folk of Spoon River--late of the grave and raised from the dead to bear witness to life. Whether minister or judge, housewife or mayor, clerk or carpenter, banker, lawyer, or town drunk, these monologues form an unforgettable legacy of the private hopes, the dreams and the aspirations, the successes and the failures, the jealousies and the betrayals, the prejudices and the disillusionments of the people of Spoon River.
Based on the many small midwestern towns where Edgar Lee Masters spent his youth--but in a voice that speaks to all--Spoon River Anthology is a portrait of human beings in all their complexity.