It is very rare that I, AstiNUS Master Historian Of Krynn, find myself penning a personal note forindusion in my chronicles.I have done so only once in recent memory,that being after the mage Raistlin came within a breath of becoming an all-powerful deity, mightier even than Paladine and Takhisis. He failed, else I probably would not be writing this, but it was a failure deserving of note.
Only fragments of the account of Huma survived the Cataclysm that broke the world of Krynn. The fullness of his tale been has never heen told -- until now.
One man took up the call to defend the world against the Queen of Darkness. He was the first Hero of the Lance, driven by his devotion to the Oath and the Measure and his love [or a silver dragon. His llfe made him a hero. Here is the tale that made him a legend.