内容推荐 本书共九章,主要介绍了多孔介质中的流体。通过多孔介质的介绍引入了第一章的孔隙空间及孔隙度的几何学;第二章主要介绍了热力学,描写了热力学势与平衡以及热力学的基本性质;第三章通过对界面张力的描写介绍了固体的润湿和毛细现象;第四章介绍了一些现象,如融化、冷凝和结晶等;第五章和第六章分别介绍了管流和单相流动;第七章介绍了非承压含水层;第八章和第九章介绍了不饱和流和二相流等问题。本书可用作相关专业硕士研究生教材。 目录 Preface Acknowledgements About the Author Symbols 1 Introduction 1.1 Porous materials 1.2 The geometry of the pore space and porosity 1.3 Pore sizes and the pore size distribution 1.4 Tortuosity 1.5 Guide to the reader Further reading 2 Recap of thermodynamics 2.1 Fundamental equations 2.2 Thermodynamic potentials and equilibrium 2.3 Chemical potentials Further reading 3 Wetting of solids and capillarity 3.1 Interfaces and interracial tension 3.2 Wetting and contact angle 3.3 Capillary pressure 3.4 Stresses in materials Further reading 4 Phase transitiofis and confinement 4.1 Melting 4.2 Condensation 4.3 Crystallization Further reading 5 Pipe flow 5.1 Stokes flow 5.2 Flow through a tube Further reading 6 Single phase flow 6.1 Darcy's law 6.2 Permeability and geometry 6.3 Heterogeneity in the permeability Further reading 7 Unconfined aquifers 7.1 Dupuit equation 7.2 Steady state applications and wells Further reading 8 Unsaturated flow 8.1 Capillary suction 8.2 Beyond the sharp front approach 8.3 Capillary suction revisited 8.4 The role of vapor transport Further reading 9 Two phase flow 9.1 Front motion 9.2 The front zone 9.3 Relative permeability and residual saturation 9.4 Viscous fingering Further reading Appendices A Thermodynamic potentials B Energy of a liquid film C Interfacial areas of a spherical cap D Bruggeman equation 编辑手记 |