generation [ˌdʒen.ə'reɪ.ʃən] noun AGE GROUP 年龄层 ESSENTIAL countable [+ sing/pl verb] ■all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family (社会或家庭的)一代(人),同代人,同辈人•The younger generation smoke/smokes less than their parents did.年轻的一代比他们父母这一代人吸烟要少。 •There were at least three generations - grandparents, parents and children - at the wedding.婚礼上至少有三代人——祖父母、父母和孩子们。 •It's our duty to preserve the planet for future generations.为了子孙后代保护好这个星球的环境是我们的职责。 •This painting has been in the family for generations.这幅画已被该家族收藏了数代之久。 ADVANCED countable [+ sing/pl verb] ■a period of about 23 to 30 years, in which most human babies become adults and have their own children (为时23至30年左右的)一代,一辈•A generation ago, home computers were virtually unknown.二三十年以前,家庭电脑还几乎不为世人所知。 first/second/third, etc. generation ■describes the nationality of someone belonging to the first/second/third, etc. group of people of the same age in the family to have been born in that country (一个家庭取得一个国家国籍后在该国家的)第一代/第二代/第三代等•She's a second generation American (= her parents were American, although their parents were not).她是她们家族移民美国后的第二代。 [ˌdʒen.ə'reɪ.ʃən] noun ENERGY 能量 ADVANCED uncountable ■the production of energy in a particular form (能源的)产生;发生•electricity generation from wind and wave power风能和波能发电 [ˌdʒen.ə'reɪ.ʃən] noun PRODUCT 生产 countable [+ sing/pl verb] ■a group of products or machines which are all at the same stage of development (产品或机器的)一代•a new generation of low-fat margarines新一代的低脂肪人造奶油 •Scientists are working on developing the next generation of supercomputers.科学家们正致力于研发下一代的超级电脑。 |