1Aspects of energy economy
1.1Importance of energy supply
1.2Development in the past and status of world energy economy
1.3Prognosis on energy demand
1.4Energy reserves and resources
1.5Aspects of future worldwide energy supply
1.6Aspects of nuclear energy for the future world energy economy
1.7Nuclear energy for the market of electrical energy
1.8Some aspects regarding the application of nuclear energy in the non-electric energy market
1.9Some further aspects of future energy supply
1.10Some aspects of process analysis in the field of energy technology
2Processes of nuclear heat application
2.1Overview over possible processes
2.2Nuclear reactors for process heat application
2.3Process steam production
2.3.1Overview over possible processes
2.3.2Cogeneration processes using steam turbines
2.3.3Cogeneration processes using gas turbines
2.4Applications of process steam
2.4.2Energy supply by district heat systems
2.4.3Process heat for sea water desalination
2.4.4Process steam for enhanced oil recovery
2.4.5Process steam application in refineries
2.4.6Energy supply in chemical industrial complexes