内容推荐 岩石力学是研究岩石在其所处物理环境中力场作用下的力学行为的理论和应用科学。本书共分5章,第1章介绍了岩石的概念、组成、基本物理性质和尺寸效应等;第2章介绍了应力的概念、莫尔圆表示法和确定方法等;第3章介绍了岩石的基本力学行为、实验方法、破坏准则及影响因素等;第4章介绍了4种国内外常用的岩体分类方法;第5章介绍了岩石力学基本原理在岩石工程中的初步应用。本书可作为岩土工程、采矿工程、水利水电工程、铁路和公路工程等专业本科生的教学和参考用书。 目录 1 Rocks 1.1 Rock and its formation 1.2 Physical properties of rocks 1.3 Rock weathering 1.4 Scale effect of rocks New words and phrases 2 Rock Stresses 2.1 Stress state 2.2 Mohr's circle for stresses 2.3 Determination of in-situ stresses New words and phrases 3 Mechanical Properties of Rocks 3.1 Mechanical behavior of rocks 3.2 Standard mechanical tests on rocks 3.3 Rock failure criteria 3.4 Influencing factors of rock behavior New words and phrases 4 Rock Mass Classification 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Broken rock zone(BRZ) 4.3 Rock quality designation(RQD) 4.4 Rock mass rating(RMR) 4.5 Rock mass quality(Q) New words and phrases 5 Application of Rock Mechanics in Rock Tunnel Engineering 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Rock tunnel excavation 5.3 Rock tunnel stabilization New words and phrases References |