内容推荐 《海上风电桩基承载性能宏细观机制》由刘俊伟等著 目录 Chapter1 Research status for bearing characteristics of pile foundation for offshore wind power 1.1Research status of typical marine soil mechanical properties under cyclic loading 1.2Research status of penetration characteristics of open-ended pipe piles 1.3Research status of bearing characteristics of monopile... 1.4 Research on cyclic shear characteristics of pile-soil interface 1.5 Research status of bearing characteristics of pile group References Chapter2 Typical mechanical properties of marine soil under cyclic loading 2.1Responses of granular soils under cyclic loading 2.1.1Responses of granular soils in cyclic simple shear conditions 2.1.2Responses of granular soils in cyclic triaxial test conditions 2.1.3Summary 2. Cyclic behavior of China Laizhou Bay submarine mucky clay at an offshore wind turbine site 2.2.1Experiment process 2.2.2Cyclic behavior 2.2.3Summary References …… |