编辑推荐 “中国戏曲海外传播工程丛书”以英文图书的形式向海外读者介绍中国戏曲文化,由多部代表剧目构成。 内容推荐 本书是“中国戏曲海外传播工程丛书”系列中的一本,该系列以英文图书的形式向海外读者介绍中国戏曲文化,由多部代表剧目构成。全剧以侯方域、李香君的悲欢离合为主线,展现了明末南京的社会现实,同时也揭露了弘光政权衰亡的原因,以男女爱情来写国家兴亡,是此剧的一大特色。本书第一部分介绍剧本的内容概要、来龙去脉以及主创人员,第二部分是脚本,第三部分是附录,主要是对昆剧剧种的简要介绍。 目录 Chapter I Historical Background:Eunuchs, Anti-eunuchism, and the Decline of the Ming Dynasty _ 1 1. The Ming Reconstruction of Ancient Chinese Administrative System _ 2 2. The Ascendancy of Ming Eunuchs _ 4 3. Anti-eunuchism, the Donglin Party, Wei Zhongxian,and the Revival Society _ 9 4. Peasant Rebellions, Li Zicheng and His Peasant Armies, and Manchus _ 16 5. The Establishment and Fall of the Southern Ming Dynasty _ 21
Chapter II Kong Shangren and The Peach Blossom Fan _ 32 1. Kong Shangren and the Composition of The Peach Blossom Fan _ 32 2. The Historicity of The Peach Blossom Fan and Its Structural Features _ 38 3. The Spread of the Play _ 44
Chapter III Aspects of the Play _ 63 1. Major Characters in the Play and Their Prototypes _ 63 2. A Detailed Synopsis of the Original Play _ 79
The Peach Blossom Fan _ 124 Appendix: Kunqu Opera ABC _ 183 Works Consulted and Cited _ 233 About the Author _ 237 |