内容推荐 《读者的选择》是一部上佳的英语阅读精选教材,尤其适用于把英语作为第二语言或非英语国家的学生。本书在欧美长销不辍,也被我国多所大学选作英语课程的教材或教学参考书。 第6版延续了以往提高阅读技能的传统,为读者取得学术成功做准备。本版强调阅读重要的技能是针对不同的日常阅读目标选择恰当的阅读策略,书中的练习和阅读材料可以帮助学生拥有独立、高效的阅读能力。 全书循序渐进地讲授从简单到复杂的阅读策略。每个单元包含充足的阅读材料,并配有聚焦技能的专门练习。这些阅读材料有的来自耳熟能详的新闻网站,有的来自日常生活素材,也有的是知名文学作品的节选,不一而足。这些阅读材料来自现实世界,富有知识性和趣味性,使学生可以学以致用,迅速提高英语阅读水平,助力学业、事业成功。 目录 Introduction for Students Acknowledgments UNIT I Discourse Focus: Reading for Different Goals-Infographic and Web Work Nonprose Reading: Subway Map Word Study: Context Clues Word Study: Stems and Affixes Sentence Study: Introduction Sentence Study: Comprehension Paragraph Reading: Main Idea UNIT 2 Reading Selections IA-1B: Interdisciplinary Research 1A "How We Sleep" (Report on Research:History) IB "Access to Electricity is Linked to Reduced Sleep" (Report on Research: Biology) Reading Selection 2: Narrative "Gate A-4" Reading Selections 3A-3C: Globalization ЗA "The Globalization of Tourism" (United Nations Report) 3B “Tourism Towards 2030" (United Nations Report) 3C "The Politics of Travel" (Essay) UNIT 3 Nonprose Reading: Introducing Charts and Graphs Word Study: Context Clues Word Study: Stems and Affixes Sentence Study: Comprehension Sentence Study: Restatement and Inference Paragraph Reading:Main Idea Paragraph Analysis: Reading for Full Understanding UNIT 4 Reading Selections IA-1B: Urban Studies 1A "Cities: Smarter, Greener, Better" (Science Journal) IB “Flocking to Urban Spaces:The Global Growth of Cities" (Infographic) Reading Selection 2: Sociology "Traffic as Culture" (Book Excerpt) Reading Selection 3A-3B: Psychology ЗА "Myth or Reality: When Taking Tests, Stick with Your First Instinct" (Textbook) 3B "When Do People Help?” (Textbook) UNIT 5 Nonprose Reading: Survey Results Word Study: Context Clues Word Study: Stems and Affixes Sentence Study:Comprehension Sentence Study: Restatement and Inference Paragraph Reading: Restatement and Inference Discourse Focus: Prediction UNIT6 Reading Selections IA-1B: Genetic Engineering 1A "Global Use of GM Crops” (Graphics) 1B “The Debate on Genetic Modification” (Sources for Academic Writing) Reading Selection 2: Psychology "How Multitasking Affects Human Learning" (NPR transcript) Reading Selection 3: Fiction “The Lottery" (Short Story) UNIT 7 Nonprose Reading: Charts and Graphs Word Study:Context Clues Word Study: Stems and Affixes Paragraph Reading: Restatement and Inferencc Paragraph Analysis: Reading for Full Understanding Discoursc Focus: Prediction UNIT 8 Reading Selection I: Business "New Life for Old Clothes" Journalism) Reading Selection 2: Sociology "Going Solo" (Book Excerpt) Reading Selection 3: Sociolinguistics "Mother Tongue” (Essay) Reading Selection 4: Anthropology "The Sacred Rac”" (Satire) UNIT 9 Longer Reading:Psychology "The Milgram Experiment"(Textbook) Appendix A Appendix B References |