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书名 读者的选择(第6版)(英文版)
分类 教育考试-外语学习-英语
出版社 世界图书出版有限公司
Introduction for Students
UNIT I Discourse Focus: Reading for Different Goals-Infographic and Web Work
Nonprose Reading: Subway Map
Word Study: Context Clues
Word Study: Stems and Affixes
Sentence Study: Introduction
Sentence Study: Comprehension
Paragraph Reading: Main Idea
UNIT 2 Reading Selections IA-1B: Interdisciplinary Research
1A "How We Sleep" (Report on Research:History)
IB "Access to Electricity is Linked to Reduced Sleep" (Report on Research: Biology)
Reading Selection 2: Narrative
"Gate A-4"
Reading Selections 3A-3C: Globalization
ЗA "The Globalization of Tourism" (United Nations Report)
3B “Tourism Towards 2030" (United Nations Report)
3C "The Politics of Travel" (Essay)
UNIT 3 Nonprose Reading: Introducing Charts and Graphs
Word Study: Context Clues
Word Study: Stems and Affixes
Sentence Study: Comprehension
Sentence Study: Restatement and Inference
Paragraph Reading:Main Idea
Paragraph Analysis: Reading for Full Understanding
UNIT 4 Reading Selections IA-1B: Urban Studies
1A "Cities: Smarter, Greener, Better" (Science Journal)
IB “Flocking to Urban Spaces:The Global Growth of Cities" (Infographic)
Reading Selection 2: Sociology
"Traffic as Culture" (Book Excerpt)
Reading Selection 3A-3B: Psychology
ЗА "Myth or Reality: When Taking Tests, Stick with Your First Instinct"
3B "When Do People Help?” (Textbook)
UNIT 5 Nonprose Reading: Survey Results
Word Study: Context Clues
Word Study: Stems and Affixes
Sentence Study:Comprehension
Sentence Study: Restatement and Inference
Paragraph Reading: Restatement and Inference
Discourse Focus: Prediction
UNIT6 Reading Selections IA-1B: Genetic Engineering
1A "Global Use of GM Crops” (Graphics)
1B “The Debate on Genetic Modification” (Sources for Academic Writing)
Reading Selection 2: Psychology
"How Multitasking Affects Human Learning" (NPR transcript)
Reading Selection 3: Fiction
“The Lottery" (Short Story)
UNIT 7 Nonprose Reading: Charts and Graphs
Word Study:Context Clues
Word Study: Stems and Affixes
Paragraph Reading: Restatement and Inferencc
Paragraph Analysis: Reading for Full Understanding
Discoursc Focus: Prediction
UNIT 8 Reading Selection I: Business
"New Life for Old Clothes" Journalism)
Reading Selection 2: Sociology
"Going Solo" (Book Excerpt)
Reading Selection 3: Sociolinguistics
"Mother Tongue” (Essay)
Reading Selection 4: Anthropology
"The Sacred Rac”" (Satire)
UNIT 9 Longer Reading:Psychology
"The Milgram Experiment"(Textbook)
Appendix A
Appendix B




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