driving ['draɪ.vɪŋ] noun uncountable ■the ability to drive or the way someone drives 驾驶的能力;驾驶的方式•a driving lesson/school/test驾驶课程/学校/考试 •She has to do a lot of driving in her job.她在工作中需要经常开车。 ['draɪ.vɪŋ] adjective [before noun] ■strong and powerful and therefore causing things to happen 强而有力的;起推动作用的•Driving ambition is what most great leaders have in common.强烈的进取心是大多数杰出领导者的共同特点。 •She was always the driving force behind the scheme.她总是担当幕后推动者的角色。 driving rain/snow ■rain or snow that is falling fast and being blown by the wind 暴风雨/雪•Driving snow brought more problems on the roads last night.昨晚的暴风雪给道路交通带来了更多的麻烦。 |