编辑推荐 外交学院英语教学专家编写;高等院校本科英语教育核心课程教材,北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目,北京市精品课程“英语泛读”教学用书。难易程度恰当,有助于扩大国际视野,以适应日益增长的外交与对外文化交流的需要。 内容推荐 《英语时文泛读(第三册)》是北京市精品教材立项项目,语言地道,内容新颖,题材广泛多样,贴近时代与生活,并就不同主题高不同单元,知识内容较成体系,同时练习设计全面合理,形式灵活,易于操作。本书是本套教材第三册。 目录 UNIT ONE HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE Text A Children in the Balance Text B Chubby Gets a Second Look Text C The Diagnosis for Health Care UNIT TWO PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT Text A Global Warming: Struggling to Save the Planet Text B Chemical Generation Text C Brazil, Alarmed, Reconsiders Policy on Climate Change UNIT THREE AGRICULTURE VS URBANIZATION Text A Life on the Land Text B Urbanisation in China: Chinas Chicago Text C Kenyan Farmers Fate Caught Up in US Aid Rules UNIT FOUR US DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL POLITICS Text A IF Bush Ruled the World Text B Sino-US Relations: The Economic Aspect Text C All in the Families UNIT FIVE THE CHANGING ENGLISH LANGUAGE Text A Double Trouble Speak Text B The World is Englishing Text C Bible and the English Language UNIT SIX THE WAY BUSINESS OPERA TES Text A Young Entrepreneurs Have the Edge Text B Its Whats on the Outside that Counts Text C If You Whistle a Happy Tune, Dont Call it a Jingle UNIT SEVEN LIFE GOES ON Text A Why Montana Is Turning Blue Text B The Art of Unhappiness Text C Holding the Mirror Up to Vanity UNIT EIGHT CHINA AND THE OLYMPICS Text A Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony Blends Technology and Tradition Text B Ex-Chinese Star Guides US to Win in Volleyball Text C Reviving the Olympic Spirit 75 Years Later GLOSSARY |