内容推荐 关于大数据技术的信息很好丰富,但将所有这些技术无缝拼接成端到端的企业数据平台却是一项艰巨的任务,一直以来没有引起广泛的讨论。通过这本实用指南,你将了解如何在企业内部和云计算平台中构建大数据基础设施,并成功地构建出现代数据平台。 对于企业架构师、IT经理、应用程序架构师和数据工程师来说,《现代数据平台架构(影印版英文版)》是一本理想读物,它为你展示了如何克服Hadoop项目中出现的诸多挑战。在深入研究以下内容之前,你还将通过一个透彻的技术入门教程探索Hadoop和大数据领域可用工具的广阔前景。 基础设施:查看现代数据平台的所有组件层,从服务器到数据中心,为企业数据奠定坚实基础。 平台:学习平台部署、操作、安全性、高可用性和灾难恢复的各个方面,了解将平台与企业IT的其他部分集成所需的一切知识。 目录 Foreword Preface 1.Big DataTechnologyPrimer A Tour of the Landscape Core Components Computational Frameworks Analytical SQL Engines Storage Engines Ingestion Orchestration Summary Part Ⅰ.Infrastructure 2.Clusters Reasons for Multiple Clusters Multiple Clusters for Resiliency Multiple Clusters for Software Development Multiple Clusters for Workload Isolation Multiple Clusters for Legal Separation Multiple Clusters and Independent Storage and Compute Multitenancy Requirements for Multitenancy Sizing Clusters Sizing by Storage Sizing by Ingest Rate Sizing by Woddoad Cluster Growth The Drivers of Cluster Growth Implementing Cluster Growth Data Replication Replication for Software Development Replication and Workload Isolation Summary 3.Computeand Storage Computer Architecture for Hadoop Commodity Servers Server CPUs and RAM Nonuniform Memory Access CPU Specifications RAM Commoditized Storage Meets the Enterprise Modularity of Compute and Storage Everything Is Java Replication or Erasure Coding? Alternatives Hadoop and the Linux Storage Stack User Space Important System CalIs The Linux Page Cache Short-Circuit and Zero-Copy Reads …… |