内容推荐 本书以风趣的语言,对馆藏在12个省的23件国家级珍贵文物进行详细介绍,并配以精致的手绘文物高清插图,以及可爱搞笑的小故事、典故、知识点插图。正文生动幽默地讲述了许多文物背后鲜为人知的故事、制作工艺、相关的历史文化等等,兼具人文性、知识性和艺术性,令读者爱上国宝,爱上中华文明。 目录 Testaments to the nation's resilience Eagle-shaped pottery ding Hongshan jade dragon Min fanglei Fu Hao owl-shaped zun "Li" bronze gui He zun Guo Ji Zibai pan Cloud-patterned bronze jin Marquis Yi of Zeng carillon Tiger tally of Du County Bronze chariot at Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum Changxin palace lantern Brocade armband featuring "the middle kingdom" Bronze galloping horse Storyteller clay figurine Dugu Xin's polyhedron jet seal Wu Zetian's gold tablet Agate drinking flask with beast head and gold nose Silver incense burner with grape, flower and bird patterns Silver bottle with gilded cup-in-mouth dancing horse Tricolor pottery figurine of camel carrying musicians Yuan Dynasty imperial decree gold tablet Nine-stringed crown of Prince Lu |