内容推荐 该系列故事集反映了西班牙、德国和法国近代文学的多样性,例如《西班牙语短篇小说集》中体现从加百列·加西亚·马尔克斯的《玛丽亚·多斯·普拉泽雷斯》的敏锐见解到伊莎贝尔·阿连德对美洲印第安人瓦利迈的口头传统的有力诉求,哈维尔·玛丽亚斯的《蜜月之行》的欺骗性以及从哲学上推测劳拉·弗雷克斯的荒诞结局。 作者简介 JOHN R.KING was born and grew up in Reading. He read Modernlanguages at St Catherine's College, Oxford. He has taught Spanishand French at Eton College, Windsor, since 1975, was formerly the col-lege's Head of Spanish and has been a Housemaster there since 1989.He has an interest in everything Hispanic, including literature, his-tory, architecture and ceramics, 目录 Introduction Eva's Indifference A Literary Tea Party On the Honeymoon Walimai Maria dos Prazeres Las Amigas Absurd Ending The Possessed Second Time Round Syllabus Notes on Spanish Texts Acknowledgements |