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单词 down
释义 down
[daʊn] adverb
■in or towards a low or lower position, from a higher one 在下面;向下,朝下
Is this UKlift/ USelevator going down?这部电梯是向下开的吗?
Don't look down! You'll get dizzy.别朝下看!你会头晕的。
The sun's going down and it'll be dark soon.太阳要落下去了,天很快就要黑了。
The space capsule came down in the ocean.太空舱落入了海里。
I bent down to look under the bed.我弯下腰朝床底下看了看。
■moving from above and onto a surface 往下,向下,朝下
Just as I was sitting down to watch TV, the phone rang.我正准备坐下看电视的时候,电话响了。
Why don't you lie down on the sofa for a while?你为甚么不在沙发上躺一会儿呢?
This box is really heavy - can we put it down (on the floor) for a minute?这个箱子确实很重——我们把它放下(搁到地板上)歇一会儿好吗?
Get down off that table immediately, you silly girl!你这个傻丫头,马上从桌子上下来!
The terrorists forced everybody to lie face down (= with the front part of the body below) on the floor.恐怖分子强迫大家面朝下趴在地板上。
■firmly in place or into position 固定(的),牢固(的)
I put the loose floorboard back and nailed it down.我把松动的地板块放回去用钉子钉牢。
He held my arms down by my sides.他把我的手臂按在我身体的两侧。
[daʊn] adverb
■in or towards a lower level, a smaller amount or a simpler state 降低;减少;减弱
The rate of inflation is finally going down.通货膨胀率终于下降了。
Turn the TV down - it's way too loud!把电视机的声音关小一点——实在太吵了!
The nurse bandaged my sprained ankle to keep the swelling down (= to limit the swelling).护士给我包扎扭伤的脚踝以控制肿胀。
If you wait a few months, the price will come down.如果你等上几个月,价格就会降下来。
Milan were three goals down (= losing by three goals) at half-time.半场结束时米兰队落后三球。
The number of students at this school has gone down from 500 last year to 410.这所学校的学生人数从去年的500人降到了410人。
[daʊn] adverb
■If you burn, cut or knock something or someone down, you cause them to fall to the ground, usually damaged, destroyed or injured 倒,垮,塌
The house burned down many years ago.许多年以前这座房子就被烧毁了。
These trees will have to be cut down to make way for the new road.为了修建新公路,不得不将这些树砍掉。
UK She was knocked down by a car and killed instantly.她被车撞倒后即时死亡。
[daʊn] adverb
■in writing or on paper 以书面形式;写在纸上
I'll write it down now so I won't forget.我现在要把它写下来以免忘了。
Do you have it down in writing/on paper , or was it just a verbal agreement?你有书面的东西吗?还是只是口头协定?
I've got/put you down for (= have written that you want) three tickets each.我已经记下了你们每人要三张票。
The police officers were taking down the names of witnesses.警官们正在记录证人的姓名。
[daʊn] adverb
FAR 遥远的
■used, especially with prepositions, to emphasize that a place is far from you or from somewhere considered to be central 在远方,在远处
I'll meet you down at the club after work.下班后我会到俱乐部找你。
He has a house down by the harbour.他在港湾那边有一座房子。
I'm going down to the shop to buy some milk.我要去商店买些牛奶。
■in or towards the south 在南部;向南方
Things are much more expensive down (in the) south.南方的东西要贵许多。
My parents live down in Florida, but they come up to Chicago every summer.我父母住在南方的佛罗里达,但他们每年夏天都要来芝加哥。
We're moving down to London.我们要南下搬到伦敦去了。
[daʊn] adverb
■from an older person to a younger one 传下去(的),传给下一代(的)
The necklace has been passed/handed down through seven generations.这条项链已经传了七代人了。
These myths have come down to us from prehistoric times.这些神话从史前一直流传至今。
[daʊn] adverb
■inside your stomach 在肚子里
You'll feel better once you've got some hot soup down you.喝点热汤你就会感觉舒服一些。
He's getting weak because he can't keep anything down.他吃了甚么食物都吐,因此他的身体变得越来越虚弱了。
[daʊn] adverb
■at the time of buying 购买时
I gave him £1000 down, and paid the rest in instalments.我付给他1000英镑,其余货款分期支付。
[daʊn] adverb
be down on sb informal
■to criticize someone 批评(某人)
It's not fair of the boss to be so down on a new employee.老板这样批评一位新员工有些不公平。
[daʊn] adverb
come / go down in the world mainly UK
■to lose the money and high social rank that you had in the past 失势,没落
Fancy her taking a job like that - she's certainly come down in the world!她竟然会去做那样的工作——她肯定是失势了!
[daʊn] adverb
down sb's way
■in the (distant) place where someone lives 在(某人)居住的地方,在(某人)那里
Down our way people don't take much interest in politics.在我们那里人们对政治不太感兴趣。
[daʊn] adverb
down under UK and US informal
■(in or to) Australia or New Zealand 在澳大利亚(或纽西兰);到澳大利亚(或纽西兰)
She was born in Scotland, but she's been living down under for 22 years.她生在苏格兰,但一直在澳大利亚生活了22年。
[daʊn] adverb
(right) down to
■even including the following small or not important things or people 甚至包括,就连…也包括在内
Amalie was dressed completely in black, right down to black lipstick and a black earring.爱蜜莉一身黑色打扮,就连口红和耳环也是黑色的。
Everyone, from the Director down to the secretaries, was questioned by the police.每个人,上至主管下至秘书,都受到了警方的盘问。
[daʊn] adverb
Down with sb/sth !
■something you say, write or shout to show your opposition to someone or something, and to demand that they are removed from power or destroyed 打倒…!
[daʊn] adverb
One / Two , etc. down , one / two etc. to go.
■an expression which is used to mean that you have done or dealt with the first, second, etc. of a series of things and have yet to do or deal with the rest 已经完成了一/两个,还有一/两个没完成呢
"Have you done your essays?" "Two down, three to go."“你的论文写完了吗?”“已经写好两篇了,还剩三篇没写呢。”
[daʊn] preposition
■in or towards a low or lower position, from a higher one 在下面;向下,朝下
I slid down the hill.我顺着山坡滑了下来。
Aikiko fell down some stairs and broke her wrist.爱子在楼梯上滑了一跤,手腕骨折了。
[daʊn] preposition
■along 沿着,顺
We drove down the motorway as far as Bristol.我们沿着高速公路一直开到了布里斯托。
Her office is down the corridor on the right.她的办公室在走廊那头的右侧。
They sailed the boat down the river (= towards the sea).他们沿着这条河驾船驶向大海。
[daʊn] preposition
TO 向
 ADVANCED  UK not standard
■to 到,向,朝
I went down the pub with my mates.我和同伴去了酒吧。
Compare up
[daʊn] preposition
down the drain (Australian also down the gurgler) informal
■If work or money is or goes down the drain, it is spoiled or wasted 付诸东流,打水漂
If the factory closes, that will be a million pounds' worth of investment down the drain.如果工厂关闭,那么100万英镑的投资就付诸流水了。
[daʊn] preposition
down the toilet (UK also down the pan) informal
■If something is or goes down the toilet, it is wasted or spoiled 被浪费;遭毁坏
After the drugs scandal, his career went down the toilet.经过这次毒品丑闻,他的职业生涯算是毁了。
[daʊn] preposition
down the road/line/track
■in the future 将来
We have an idea to develop a talking book, but a marketable product is a long way down the road.我们想开发一种会说话的书,但要拿出有销路的产品还有很长的路要走。
[daʊn] verb transitive
■to cause something or someone to fall to the ground 使跌倒,使倒下;使掉下
We downed three enemy planes with our missiles.我们用导弹击落了三架敌机。
The ice storm has downed trees and power lines all over the region.冰暴在整个地区击倒树木,刮落电线。
[daʊn] verb transitive
EAT 进食
■to eat or drink something quickly 一口气吃下;一口气喝下
He'd downed four beers before I'd finished one.我一杯啤酒还没喝完,他就已经一口气喝下四杯了。
[daʊn] verb transitive
DEFEAT 击败 US to defeat someone, especially in sport (尤指在比赛中)打败,击败,战胜
The Yankees downed the Red Sox 7-0.扬基队以7-0的比数打败了红袜队。
[daʊn] verb transitive
down tools UK
■to refuse to continue working, especially because you are not satisfied with the amount you are being paid or with your working conditions (尤指因对工资或工作条件不满而)停工,罢工
The printers are threatening to down tools if the pay offer is not increased to 8%.印刷工人威胁说,如果工资不增长8%就停工。
[daʊn] adjective
■unhappy; unable to feel excited or energetic about anything 不高兴的;情绪低落的,提不起精神的
She's been really down since her husband died.自从丈夫去世后她一直郁郁寡欢。
I've been (feeling) a bit down this week.这周我有点情绪低落。
§/daʊn/down 1




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