内容推荐 本书以故事形式生动地讲述了古代世界七大奇迹,即埃及吉萨大金字塔、巴比伦空中花园、以弗所的阿尔忒弥斯神庙、奥林匹亚宙斯巨像、摩索拉斯陵墓、罗得斯岛太阳神巨像、亚历山大灯塔的地理位置、历史沿革、风土人情、相关传说以及现状等丰富的知识,唤起人们保护文物的意识。 目录 Where Were the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? The Great Pyramid at Giza The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus The Colossus of Rhodes The Lighthouse of Alexandria The Wonders through the Ages Timelines Bibliography |