内容推荐 《十三个理由》引发全美教育界深刻反思!中学生汉娜过世后,留下十三盒磁带。分别寄给十三个同学,在录音中,她一一追诉往事,发出质询……随着一盒又一盒磁带的揭示,在悬念丛生中,反思了中学阶段时人文教育的缺失,发人深思。 作者简介 JAY ASHER’s debut novel, Thirteen Reasons Why, a %231 New York Times and international bestseller, has sold over 3 million copies in the United States alone and is now a thirteen-part series on Netflix. The Future of Us, his second novel, was co-authored with Printz Honor winner Carolyn Mackler. He is also the author of the New York Times bestselling What Light. Piper, out in Fall 2017 and co-authored with Jessica Freeburg and illustrated by Jeff Stokely, will mark Asher’s graphic novel debut. His novels have been translated into thirty-seven languages. He lives with his family in California. Follow him on Twitter @jayasherguy. 目录 《13REASONS WHY》无目录 |