内容推荐 本书向世界讲述中国扶贫的故事,注重感性描写与理性思考。以闽宁镇的故事为立足点,从而引发老、少、边地区的脱贫攻坚战。作者深入宁夏、山西、贵州、西藏、内蒙古、湖南等地,实地采访了贫困户和各地基层干部,通过被访者的经历来说明脱贫后的生活。作品中的每一个章节均从宁夏闽宁镇说起,选择不同地区有代表性的故事作为本作品的主要内容。不仅仅反映他们是如何脱贫的,还讲述了找到脱贫后的致富之路以及他们的思考。全面展示中国脱贫致富的历史以及中国共产党为消除人类绝对贫苦做出的贡献,为全球减贫给出了中国智慧和中国方案。 作者简介 孙永明,1955年生于福州,毕业于福建广播电视大学汉语言文学专业,福建省作家协会会员、中国电视艺术家协会会员。出版有《援藏岁月》《天山沉思录》等长篇报告文学,影视作品有《台湾行》《筑路人》《闽藏情》等。作品获曾“五个一工程”奖、福建省优秀电视艺术片奖、福建省优秀文学作品奖等。 目录 Chapter One A Problem Perplexing Mankind Overview of Poverty Background and Impact of Poverty Chapter Two Reflections of a Nation Reflections and Explorations of the First Village A Collective Reflection A Nation's Commitment Chapter Three Science-based Policy-making and Implementation No One Left Behind Responsibilities and Duties The Practice of Minning Town Getting out of the Predicament Practices of Targeted Poverty Eradication Based on Local Conditions Poverty Alleviation Through Education Poverty Reduction Through Financial Measures Poverty Reduction with Science and Technology E-business-based Poverty Reduction A Higher Goal Chapter Four Shaping the Culture of the New Era Changes of Mindset Changes in Quality of the Population and Their Productivity Chapter Five A Solemn Declaration The Aspiration of Humanity Close Ties with the People Voices of China Epilogue |