speculation [ˌspek.jʊ'leɪ.ʃən] noun countable or uncountable GUESS 猜测 ADVANCED ■when you guess possible answers to a question without having enough information to be certain 猜测;推测,推断•Rumours that they are about to marry have been dismissed as pure speculation.他们打算结婚的传言已证实只不过是猜测。 •Speculation about his future plans is rife.对他未来的计划臆测很多,众说纷纭。 •[+ that] The Prime Minister's speech fuelled/prompted speculation that an election will be held later in the year.首相的谈话引起了人们的猜测,认为在今年稍晚会举行一次选举。 [ˌspek.jʊ'leɪ.ʃən] noun countable or uncountable TRADING 交易的 ■when people speculate in order to make a profit 投机,投机买卖 |