plastic ['plæs.tɪk] noun SUBSTANCE 物质 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■an artificial substance that can be shaped when soft into many different forms and has many different uses 塑胶•He put a sheet of plastic over the broken window.他在打破的窗户上盖了一块塑胶片。 •Those flowers aren't real - they're made of plastic.那些花不是真的——是塑胶做成的。 plastics uncountable ■the process or business of producing plastic 塑胶制造(业)•The company has moved into plastics.公司已转而投身塑胶制造业。 •the plastics industry塑胶工业 ['plæs.tɪk] noun MONEY 钱 uncountable (also plastic money) ■credit cards or debit cards , rather than money in the form of notes, coins or cheques 信用卡•I'd prefer a restaurant where they take plastic.我较喜欢到接受信用卡付款的餐厅吃饭。 ['plæs.tɪk] adjective SUBSTANCE 物质 ESSENTIAL ■made of plastic 塑胶(制)的•a plastic bag/box/cup塑胶袋/盒/杯 ■disapproving ■artificial or false 不真实的,不自然的,做作的•I hate the hostesses' false cheerfulness and plastic smiles.我讨厌女主人假装高兴,脸上带着做作的微笑。 ['plæs.tɪk] adjective SOFT 柔软的 ■soft enough to be changed into a new shape 可塑的,塑性的•Clay is a very plastic material.黏土是一种可塑性极强的材料。 •This metal is plastic at high temperatures.这种金属在高温下具有可塑性。 |