内容推荐 《应用英语教程综合英语》共四册,可供英语类专业一、二年级使用,具有以下特色: 应用导向,面向未来,满足多元发展需求 以培养应用型英语人才为目标,既注重学生英语语言能力和人文素养的提升,又兼顾职业英语技能的培养,满足学生继续深造或职业发展等多元需求。 选材广泛,设计精巧,注重培养综合素养 选篇主题丰富,体裁多元,经典篇目与热点话题兼顾,融入文性与应用性于一体;活动设计环环相扣,融入思政育人元素,促进学生自主学习能力、合作学习能力、跨文化交际能力和思辨能力的提高。 系统科学,有机融合,体现整体式教学观 听、说、读、写、译等语言技能有机融合,词汇为点、语法为线、篇章为面,实现语言知识、语言技能、文化意识、职业技能和学习策略的有机统一。 图文并茂,立体支持,符合新时期教学需求 全书设计活泼美观,时代感强,激发学生学习兴趣;配备丰富的数字资源,满足新时期教学需求。 本书为第四册。 目录 UNIT 1 Artificial Intelligence Text A Developing Your Human Touch Text B Are There Robot-Proof Jobs? UNIT 2 Sharing Economy Text A Cities Power the Sharing Economy Text B Shared Approaches to Transport in the U.K. UNIT 3 Gender Text A The Birthmark Text B Women's Long Journey to Space UNIT 4 Language and Life Text A What Do We Use Language For? Text B Language and Culture UNIT 5 Ecology and Humanity Text A Apologia Text B And No Birds Sing UNIT 6 Medical Science Text A Tu Youyou: Bringer of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the World Text B Penicillin: Wonder Drug of World War II UNIT 7 Civilization Text A The Silk Road Text B Marco Polo's Effects on the East and the West UNIT 8 Art and Technology Text A The Evolution of VR Technologies in the Art Market: From the Victorian Era to the Present Day Text B Art in the Digital Age UNIT 9 Information Security Text A What Lies Beneath: The Deep Web Text B "She Stole My Life!": A Cautionary True Tale About Identity Theft UNIT 10 Fantasy and Science Fiction Text A Harry Potter, More than Magic Text B Liu Cixin: Has Chinese Sci-Fi Ushered in a Boom Age? UNIT 11 Health Care Text A Could Social Media and Diet Trends Be Contributing to a Little-Known Eating Disorder? Text B The War on Allergies UNIT 12 A Look into the Future P206 Text A How Science-Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future Text B I, Robot |