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单词 cuddle
释义 cuddle
['kʌd.l] verb intransitive or transitive
■to put your arms around someone and hold them in a loving way, or (of two people) to hold each other close to show love or for comfort 抱;(互相)拥抱,搂抱
She cuddled the baby and eventually it stopped crying.她搂着小孩,渐渐地孩子不哭了。
They sat in the back row of the cinema kissing and cuddling.他们坐在电影院后排,接吻搂抱。
['kʌd.l] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   cuddle up informal
■to sit or lie very close to someone and put your arms around them 依偎着,紧贴着坐(或躺)
We cuddled up together and tried to get warm.我们挤在一起,想借此取暖。
She cuddled up to her mother.她依偎在母亲身旁。




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