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单词 crow
释义 crow
UK [krəʊ] US [kroʊ] noun countable
■a large black bird with a loud unpleasant cry 乌鸦
UK [krəʊ] US [kroʊ] noun countable
as the crow flies
■describes a distance when measured in a straight line between two points or places 笔直地,成直线地,沿直线
UK [krəʊ] US [kroʊ] verb intransitive (crowed or UK ALSO crew, crowed or UK ALSO crew)
■When a cock (= an adult male chicken) crows, it makes a very long and loud sharp cry (公鸡)啼叫,打鸣
We were woken at dawn by a cock crowing repeatedly.黎明时,我们被一阵阵的鸡啼声吵醒。
■When a baby crows, it makes sudden cries of happiness. (婴儿)欢叫
UK [krəʊ] US [kroʊ] verb intransitive (crowed or UK ALSO crew, crowed or UK ALSO crew)
TALK PROUDLY 夸口 disapproving
■to talk in a proud and annoying way about something you have done 夸耀;夸口,自夸
He's always crowing about his latest triumph.他老是吹嘘他最近取得的成功。




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