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单词 sediment
释义 sediment
['sed.ɪ.mənt] noun
countable or uncountable
■a soft substance that is like a wet powder and consists of very small pieces of a solid material which have fallen to the bottom of a liquid 沉淀物,沉渣
There was a brown sediment in the bottom of the bottle.瓶子底部有褐色的沉淀物。
sediments [plural]
■sand, stones, etc. that eventually form a layer of rock 沉积物(最终形成一层岩石的沙和石头等)
It is hoped that the oil slick will sink to the seabed where it would be covered within a few years by sediments and eventually decompose.人们希望浮油会沉到海底,并且在数年后被沉积物覆盖,逐渐分解。




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