born UK [bɔ:n] US [bɔ:rn] verb be born ESSENTIAL ■When a person or animal is born, they come out of their mother's body and start to exist 出生•She was born in 1950.她生于1950年。 •We saw a lamb being born.我们看到小羔羊降生。 •Diana was born into an aristocratic family.戴安娜生于贵族之家。 •Ann was born and brought up in Ealing.安出生于伊灵并在那里长大。 ■having started life in a particular way (以某种方式)出生的,出世的•The toll of babies born with AIDS is rising.出生即为爱滋病带菌者的婴儿在不断增加。 •Stevie Wonder was born blind.史提夫·汪达先天失明。 ■slightly formal or literary ■If an idea is born, it starts to exist. (想法)产生,形成 born of sth slightly formal ■existing as the result of something 来自于…,产生于…•With a courage born of necessity, she seized the gun and ran at him.迫于情势,她平生出一股勇气,拿起枪向他冲去。 UK [bɔ:n] US [bɔ:rn] verb born and bred ■describes someone who was born and grew up in a particular place, and has the typical character of someone who lives there 土生土长的•He's a Parisian born and bred.他是土生土长的巴黎人。 UK [bɔ:n] US [bɔ:rn] verb born with a silver spoon in your mouth ■to have a high social position and be rich from birth 生来高贵富有的 UK [bɔ:n] US [bɔ:rn] verb not be born yesterday ■to not be stupid or easy to deceive 不傻;不易上当•You don't fool me - I wasn't born yesterday.不要愚弄我——我可不是三岁小孩。 UK [bɔ:n] US [bɔ:rn] verb wish you had never been born ■to be extremely unhappy 多么希望没有出生(表示极度痛苦)•When I've finished with you you're going to wish you'd never been born!等我和你一刀两断了,你会觉得生不如死的! UK [bɔ:n] US [bɔ:rn] adjective ■having a natural ability or liking 天生的;命中注定的•a born writer/athlete天生的作家/运动员 •[+ to infinitive] I felt born to look after animals.我感到我天生擅长照料动物。 |