outsider UK [ˌaʊt'saɪ.dər] US [-dɚ] noun countable NOT MEMBER 外部的人 ■a person who is not involved with a particular group of people or organization or who does not live in a particular place 局外人;外来者;外部的人•Outsiders have a glamorized idea of what it is like to work for the BBC.外人把在英国广播公司工作想像得无比美好。 ■a person who is not liked or accepted as a member of a particular group, organization or society and who feels different from those people who are accepted as members (不被某一团体、组织或社会接受的)局外人, 不合群的人,外人•As a child he was very much an outsider, never participating in the games other children played.小时候他非常不合群,从来不和其他孩子一起玩游戏。 UK [ˌaʊt'saɪ.dər] US [-dɚ] noun countable UNLIKELY WINNER 非胜者 ■a person or animal with only a slight chance of winning 取胜希望渺茫的人或动物•The race was won by a rank outsider.在这场比赛中夺冠的是一匹不被看好的马。 |