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单词 conk
释义 conk
UK [kɒŋk] US [kɑ:ŋk] noun countable UK informal humorous
■a nose 鼻子
UK [kɒŋk] US [kɑ:ŋk] verb transitive informal humorous
■to hit someone, usually on the head with a heavy object (通常指用重物)打,打击,敲击(…的头)
UK [kɒŋk] US [kɑ:ŋk] verb transitive informal humorous
  Phrasal Verbs   conk out informal
■If vehicles and other machines conk out, they stop working or fail suddenly (车辆或其他机器)突然出故障,停止运转,突然失灵
I was just two miles from home when my motorbike conked out!我出门刚骑了两英里,我的摩托车就突然出了故障!
■to go to sleep very quickly, or to suddenly become unconscious 倒头睡去;突然不省人事
After a six-hour flight and a long day of meetings, it's not surprising you conked out.坐了六个小时的飞机,又开了一天的会,难怪你倒头就睡着了。




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