deny [dɪ'naɪ] verb transitive NOT TRUE 不对 ESSENTIAL ■to say that something is not true 否认,否定•He will not confirm or deny the allegations.他既不肯定也不否认那些说法。 •[+ that] Neil denies that he broke the window, but I'm sure he did.尼尔不承认是他打破了窗户,但我敢肯定是他做的。 •[+ -ing verb] Neil denies breaking the window.尼尔不承认是他打破了窗户。 there's no denying ■it is true 无可否认•There's no denying that this has been a difficult year for the company.今年对该公司而言,是非常困难的一年,这一点毋庸置疑。 [dɪ'naɪ] verb transitive REFUSE 拒绝 IMPROVER ■to not allow someone to have or do something 不允许;剥夺;拒绝•Her request for time off work was denied.她的休假请求未获得批准。 •No one should be denied a good education./A good education should be denied to no one.任何人都不能被剥夺接受良好教育的权利。 •[+ two objects] The goalkeeper denied him his third goal.守门员粉碎了他攻入第三球的希望。 •I was denied the opportunity of learning French at school.我上学时没有机会学习法语。 [dɪ'naɪ] verb transitive NOT ADMIT 不承认 ADVANCED ■to not admit that you have knowledge, responsibility, feelings, etc. 拒绝承认;拒绝承担•He denied all responsibility for the rumours which have been circulating.他对四处传播的谣言,拒绝承担责任。 •Even under torture, he refused to deny his beliefs/faith.即使遭受酷刑,他也绝不放弃自己的信仰/信念。 deny yourself [R] ■to not allow yourself to have or do things 节制,克制•Many parents deny themselves so that their children can have the best.为了让孩子们生活得称心如意,很多父母宁愿自己节衣缩食。 ■formal ■to refuse to admit that you have any connection with something or someone 不承认与(某物或人)有关系•She has denied her family and refuses to have any contact with them.她和家里断绝了一切关系,不愿与家人再有联络。 |