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单词 collar
释义 collar
UK ['kɒl.ər] US ['kɑ:.lɚ] noun countable
■the part around the neck of a piece of clothing, usually sewn on and sometimes made of different material 衣领,领口
a shirt collar衬衫领口
a fur collar毛领
a dress with a big collar大领口的长裙
■a strap made of leather or other strong material which is put around the neck of an animal, especially a dog or cat (尤指套在狗、猫等动物脖子上的)颈圈,项圈
I grabbed the dog by the collar and dragged it out of the room.我揪住狗的颈圈,把它拉出了房间。
■a type of necklace (= a piece of jewellery worn around the neck) 项炼,项饰
a diamond collar钻石项炼
■an area around the neck of an animal which is coloured differently from the other parts of the body (动物颈部颜色异样的)色圈,颈锁形条纹
The bird has grey feathers with a lighter collar.这种鸟长有灰色羽毛,但颈部的颜色要淡一些。
■a strip of strong material that is put round a pipe or a piece of machinery to make it stronger or to join two parts together (管子或机器上的)箍,卡圈,套管
UK ['kɒl.ər] US ['kɑ:.lɚ] verb transitive informal
■to catch and hold someone so that they cannot escape 抓住,逮住,逮捕
She was collared by the police at the airport.她在机场被警方逮捕了。
■to find someone and stop them going somewhere, often so that you can talk to them about something 拦住(以便与之谈话)
I was collared by Pete as I was coming out of the meeting this morning.今天上午我刚出会议室就被皮特拉住谈了起来。




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