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单词 worry
释义 worry
UK ['wʌr.i] US ['wɝ:-] verb
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive
■to think about problems or unpleasant things that might happen in a way that makes you feel unhappy and afraid 担心;忧虑;发愁
Try not to worry - there's nothing you can do to change the situation.别发愁了——你没法改变这种局面。
Don't worry, she'll be all right.别担心,她会没事的。
It's silly worrying about things which are outside your control.为自己无法掌控的事发愁是很愚蠢的。
[+ (that)] She's worried (that) she might not be able to find another job.她担心自己无法再找到一份工作。
 IMPROVER  transitive
■to make someone feel unhappy and afraid because of problems or unpleasant things that might happen 使担忧;使焦虑
You worried your mother by not writing.你没有写信,这令你妈妈很担心。
[+ that] It worries me that he hasn't phoned yet.他还没有打电话,这令我有些担忧。
The continued lack of rain is starting to worry people.持续少雨开始令人们担忧起来。
  Common Learner Errors   worryRemember : the most usual preposition to use with worry is about :To refer to the thing that is making you worry, don't say 'worry for', say worry about :There's no need to worry about anything.
UK ['wʌr.i] US ['wɝ:-] verb
■If a dog worries another animal, it chases and frightens it and might also bite it (狗)追赶,撕咬(其他动物)
Any dog caught worrying sheep in these fields will be shot.这些牧场里只要发现有狗攻击羊只,狗就会被射杀。
UK ['wʌr.i] US ['wɝ:-] verb
Don't worry your pretty little head. informal humorous
■used to tell someone not to worry 用以告诉某人不必担心
"What about all the work that needs doing in the kitchen?" "I'll sort that out - don't worry your pretty little head about it!"“厨房里那些要做的工作怎么办?”“别担心,包在我身上!”
UK ['wʌr.i] US ['wɝ:-] verb
not to worry informal
■said to show that you are not worried or upset because something has gone wrong or something unexpected has happened 别担心;别发愁
Not to worry - perhaps you'll be able to come next week instead.别着急——或许你可以下星期再来。
UK ['wʌr.i] US ['wɝ:-] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   worry at sth
■to shake, pull at or touch something repeatedly 反复逗弄
The dog was worrying away at its bone.狗在反复撕咬着骨头。
■to keep trying to find a way of solving a problem 不断努力;反覆尝试
She'll worry at those figures until she's sure they've been worked out properly.她会反覆验算那些数字,直到确定计算结果无误为止。
UK ['wʌr.i] US ['wɝ:-] noun
 IMPROVER  countable
■a problem that makes you feel unhappy and afraid 令人担心(或发愁)的事
health/financial worries健康/财务上的烦恼
Keeping warm in the winter is a major worry for many old people.冬天如何保暖对很多老年人来说是一件令人担忧的大事。
 IMPROVER  countable or uncountable
■when you feel unhappy and afraid about something 担忧;担心;发愁
Unemployment, bad health - all sorts of things can be a cause of worry.失业、健康状况不佳——各种各样的事都可能会产生烦恼。
It was clear that Anna had no worries about her husband's attempts to flirt.非常明显,安娜对她丈夫几次想与人调情并不感到忧虑。




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