mug [mʌg] noun countable CUP 杯子 ADVANCED ■a large cup with straight sides used for hot drinks (盛热饮用的)马克杯,大杯子•I made myself a large mug of cocoa (= enough to fill a mug) and went to bed.我为自己冲了一大杯可哥饮料,然后钻进了被窝。 beer mug mainly US ■a heavy glass with a handle and usually with patterns cut into its side, out of which you drink beer 啤酒杯(有柄且通常刻有花纹的大玻璃杯) [mʌg] noun countable STUPID PERSON 愚蠢的人 mainly UK informal ■a person who is stupid and easily deceived 傻瓜;易受骗者•He's such a mug, he believes everything she tells him.他真傻,无论她说甚么他都相信。 [mʌg] noun countable FACE 脸 informal mainly disapproving ■someone's face 脸•his ugly mug他丑陋的脸孔
[mʌg] noun countable a mug's game UK informal ■an activity that will not make you happy or successful 徒劳无益的活动•Teaching's a mug's game.当老师是件吃力不讨好的事。 [mʌg] verb transitive (-gg-) ■to attack a person in a public place and steal their money (在公共场合)拦路抢劫•He was mugged in broad daylight.他在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。 [mʌg] verb transitive (-gg-) Phrasal Verbs [M] mug (sth) up UK informal ■to study a subject quickly before taking an examination (考试前)突击学习•I've got to mug up (on) my History before tomorrow's exam.明天考试前我必须突击复习一下历史。 |