muddle ['mʌd.l] noun [S or U] ■an untidy or confused state 混乱状态;糟糕局面•The documents were in a muddle.档杂乱地堆在一起。 •Whenever I go abroad I get in a muddle about/over (= become confused about) the money.我每次出国,总是把钱弄得乱糟糟的搞不清。
['mʌd.l] verb Phrasal Verbs muddle along ■to continue doing something with no clear purpose or plan 混日子,得过且过•Decide what you want in life - don't just muddle along.订立明确的人生目标——不要混日子过活。 ['mʌd.l] verb Phrasal Verbs muddle through ■to manage to do something although you are not organized and do not know how to do it 胡乱应付过去•I'm afraid I can't help you - you'll just have to muddle through on your own.恐怕我帮不到你——你必须自己设法应付。 ['mʌd.l] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] muddle sth up ■to arrange things in the wrong order 把…弄乱•I've arranged the books alphabetically so don't muddle them up.我已经把书按字母顺序排好了,不要弄乱。 ['mʌd.l] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] muddle sb/sth up ■to think that a person or thing is someone or something else because they are very similar 混淆•I often muddle up Richard with his brother.我常常分不清理查和他哥哥。 •It's easy to muddle up some Spanish and Italian words.一些西班牙语词汇和义大利语词汇很容易互相混淆。 |