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单词 wobbly
释义 wobbly
UK ['wɒb.l.i] US ['wɑ] adjective
■likely to wobble 摇摇晃晃的
a wobbly ladder/table摇摇晃晃的梯子/桌子
I've been in bed with flu and my legs are still feeling all wobbly.我因流感而卧床休息,腿仍然感觉摇摇晃晃的。
"Look, I've got a wobbly tooth," said my little daughter, proudly.“瞧,我有一颗牙活动了。”我的小女儿骄傲地说道。
humorous I'm trying to tone up my wobbly bits (= fat areas of the body) generally.我正设法减掉身上的肥肉。
UK ['wɒb.l.i] US ['wɑ] adjective
NOT CERTAIN 不确定的 informal
■uncertain what to do or changing repeatedly between two opinions 拿不定主意的;动摇的;(在两种观点间)变来变去的
Last week I felt sure I was doing the right thing but I've started to feel a bit wobbly about it.上周我很肯定自己做对了,可是现在我觉得有点不肯定了。
UK ['wɒb.l.i] US ['wɑ] noun UK informal
throw a wobbly
■to become extremely angry and upset 非常愤怒;极不高兴
My parents threw a wobbly when they found out I'd had a party while they were away.当父母发现我趁他们不在的时候举行聚会,他们非常不高兴。




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