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单词 vault
释义 vault
UK [vɒlt] US [vɑ:lt] noun countable
■a type of arch which supports a roof or ceiling, especially in a church or public building, or a ceiling or roof supported by several of these arches (尤指教堂或公共建筑的)拱顶,穹顶
UK [vɒlt] US [vɑ:lt] noun countable
ROOM 房间 (UK also vaults)
■a room, especially in a bank, with thick walls and a strong door, which is used to store money or valuable things in safe conditions (尤指银行的)金库,保险库
a bank vault银行金库
She entered the vault with an armed guard.她同一名武装保安一起进入了金库。
■a room under a church or a small building in a cemetery where dead bodies are buried (教堂的)地下墓室;(墓地的)墓穴
She was buried in the family vault.她被葬在家族墓室里。
UK [vɒlt] US [vɑ:lt] verb
intransitive usually + adverb or preposition transitive
■to jump over something by first putting your hands on it or by using a pole (用手支撑或撑杆)跳跃,跃过
He vaulted over the gate.他从那扇大门上翻了过去。
She vaulted the wall and kept running.她跃过了那堵墙继续往前跑。
specialized He has vaulted 6.02m in indoor competitions this year.在今年的室内比赛中他跃过了6.02米的高度。
⇒ See also the pole vault
transitive formal
■to move someone or something suddenly to a much more important position 突然提升;使跃居
Last week's changes vaulted the general to the top, over the heads of several of his seniors.上周的变动使这位将军一下子超过他的几位上司而跃居最高层。




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