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单词 ladle
释义 ladle
['leɪ.dl] noun countable
■a very big spoon with a long handle and a deep cup-shaped part, used especially for serving soup (尤指盛汤用的)大汤匙
a soup ladle大汤匙
['leɪ.dl] verb transitive (also ladle out)
■to put soup or other liquid food into bowls to give to people, using a ladle (用汤匙)盛,舀
['leɪ.dl] verb transitive (also ladle out)
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] ladle sth out informal
■to give money or goods in a (too) generous way to a lot of people (过于)大量地给予(钱或物)
In those days doctors ladled out antibiotics to patients.那时候医生给患者使用大量的抗生素。




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