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单词 tune
释义 tune
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] noun
 IMPROVER  countable
■a series of musical notes, especially one which is pleasant and easy to remember; a melody 曲调,曲子;旋律
He was humming a tune as he dried the dishes.他边哼着调子,边擦干碗碟。
a theme tune主题曲
That's a very catchy (= easy to remember and pleasant) tune.那是一首很容易上口的曲子。
in tune
■singing or playing notes that are at the right pitch (= level) or that agree with others being sung or played 合调,入调
out of tune
■singing or playing notes that are at the wrong pitch (= level) or that do not agree with others being sung or played 走调
I'm afraid the piano is out of tune.恐怕这架钢琴走调了。
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] noun
be in/out of tune with sb/sth
■If you are in tune with people or ideas, you understand or agree with them, and if you are out of tune with them, you do not 与…协调/不协调,与…相/不相契合
Much of his success comes from being in tune with what his customers want.他的成功很大程度上归功于他契合了顾客的需要。
Her theories were out of tune with the scientific thinking of the time.她的理论与当时的科学思想不符。
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] noun
to the tune of
■to the stated amount 总额达,总计
The City Council had financed the new building to the tune of over 4 million pounds.市政会为建这座新大厦已经出资了400多万英镑。
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] noun
ENGINE 发动机,引擎
countable usually singular UK
■a tune-up
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] verb transitive
■to change a part of a musical instrument so that the instrument produces the correct sounds when played 为(乐器)调音(或定弦)
Get into the habit of tuning your guitar every day before you practise.要养成习惯,每天练习前给吉他调一下音。
She tuned (up) her violin before the concert.音乐会前,她给她的小提琴调了弦。
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] verb transitive
■to move the controls on a radio or television, etc. so that it receives programmes broadcast from a particular station 给(收音机、电视等)调谐,为…调频率,调频道
Press this button and the video will automatically tune itself to the next channel.按一下这个按钮,录像机会自动调到下一个频道。
His radio is constantly tuned to KROQ-FM, the local rock station.他的收音机总是锁定在当地摇滚乐台 KROQ-FM上。
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] verb transitive
ENGINE 发动机,引擎
■to change the setting of particular parts of an engine, especially slightly, so that it works as well as possible 把(发动机)调试到最佳运转状态
The engine certainly needs tuning but there's nothing wrong with the car.引擎确实需要调试了,但汽车没毛病。
Could you tune (up) the engine for me, please?请帮我调试一下引擎好吗?
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] verb transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   tune in
■to watch or listen to a particular television or radio programme or station 收看;收听
Be sure to tune in to next week's show.一定要收看下周的节目。
Millions of viewers tune in every weekday for 'News at Night'.每个工作日都有数百万的电视观众收看“晚间新闻”。
be tuned in
■to have a good understanding of what is happening in a situation or what other people are thinking 了解,明白
She just doesn't seem to be tuned in to her students' needs.她似乎根本不了解学生的需要。
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] verb transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   tune (sb/sth) out US informal
■to ignore someone or not give your attention to something or to what is happening around you 不理睬,对…置之不理
He talks such garbage that I just tune him out.他讲的全是废话,所以我干脆不去理睬。
UK [tju:n] US [tu:n] verb transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   tune (sth) up
■If musicians who are preparing to play tune up their instruments, they make small changes to them so that they produce the correct notes 调节,调试(乐器)
After the orchestra had tuned up, the conductor walked on to the stage.管弦乐队调试好音准之后,指挥走上台。
He began to tune up his violin.他开始调试他的小提琴。
■to tune an engine 调节引擎




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