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单词 succour
释义 succour
UK (ALSO US succor) UK ['sʌk.ər] US [-ɚ] noun uncountable literary
■help given to someone, especially someone who is suffering or in need 帮助;(尤指)救助,救援
Her organization gave succour and strength to those who had been emotionally damaged.她的机构替那些情感受过伤害的人提供帮助和支援。
UK (ALSO US succor) UK ['sʌk.ər] US [-ɚ] verb transitive literary
■to help someone, especially someone who is suffering or in need 帮助;(尤指)救助,救援
to succour the poor, help the helpless, support the weak救助贫困者,帮助无助者,支持弱者
Students should be encouraged, supported and succoured.学生应该受到鼓励、支持和帮助。




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