landscape ['lænd.skeɪp] noun IMPROVER countable ■a large area of countryside, especially in relation to its appearance 乡间,野外;(尤指乡村的)风景,景色•a rural/barren landscape乡村/荒原 •The landscape is dotted with the tents of campers and hikers.乡间散布着宿营者和远足者搭起的帐篷。 •The cathedral dominates the landscape for miles around.大教堂在方圆数英里的乡间高高耸立着。 countable or uncountable ■a view or picture of the countryside, or the art of making such pictures 乡村风景;乡村风景画;乡村风景绘画•a watercolour landscape.水彩风景画 •J.M.W. Turner is one of Britain's best-known landscape painters.J.M.W.特纳是英国最著名的风景画画家之一。 ['lænd.skeɪp] verb transitive ■to change the appearance of an area of land, especially next to a building or road so that it looks more like natural countryside 给(建筑物周边)做园林美化;对(道路周边)做景观美化 ['lænd.skeɪp] adjective ■describes a computer document which is to be printed with the longer side of the paper at the top and bottom 横向列印的 Compare portrait |