infect [ɪn'fekt] verb transitive DISEASE 疾病 ■to pass a disease to a person, animal or plant (疾病)传染,感染•The ward was full of children infected with TB.病房里住满了感染结核病的孩子。 •All the tomato plants are infected with a virus.所有的番茄植株都染上了一种病毒。 [ɪn'fekt] verb transitive FEELING 情感 ■to make someone have the same feeling or emotion as you (情感)感染(别人);使受影响•Her optimism seemed to infect all those around her.她的乐观情绪似乎感染了周围所有的人。 [ɪn'fekt] verb transitive COMPUTERS 电脑 ■to pass harmful programs from one computer to another, or within files in the same computer (电脑病毒)感染•A computer virus may lurk unseen in a computer's memory, calling up and infecting each of the machine's data files in turn.电脑病毒可潜伏在电脑记忆体中,依次调出并感染电脑中的每一个资料文档。 |