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单词 sin
释义 sin
[sɪn] noun countable or uncountable
■the offence of breaking, or the breaking of, a religious or moral law (违反宗教戒律或道德规范的)罪,罪过
to commit/confess a sin犯罪/忏悔罪过
He thinks a lot about sin.他对罪孽有很多思考。
[+ to infinitive] informal I think it 's a sin (= is morally wrong) to waste food, when so many people in the world are hungry.我认为浪费食物是一种罪过,因为世界上还有那么多人在挨饿。
humorous For my sins (= As if it were a punishment) , I'm organizing the office party this year.真是活该,今年将由我来安排办公室派对。
[sɪn] noun countable or uncountable
as guilty/miserable/ugly as sin informal
■very guilty, miserable or ugly 非常惭愧/不幸/丑陋
written abbreviation for * sine
[sɪn] verb intransitive (-nn-)
■to break a religious or moral law 犯戒律;犯过失




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