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单词 behaviour
释义 behaviour
UK (ALSO US behavior) UK [bɪ'heɪ.vjər] US [-vjɚ] noun uncountable
■Someone's behaviour is how they behave 行为,举止
Her behaviour is often appalling.她的行为举止经常都是糟糕得很。
He was notorious for his violent and threatening behaviour.他因暴力和威胁行为而声名狼藉。
UK (ALSO US behavior) UK [bɪ'heɪ.vjər] US [-vjɚ] noun uncountable
  Common Learner Errors   behaviourBehaviour does not have a plural form.Do not say 'behaviours'. Only say behaviour.
There can be many reasons for children's bad behaviours.There can be many reasons for children's bad behaviour.




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