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单词 oxidize
释义 oxidize
(UK usually oxidise) UK ['ɒk.sɪ.daɪz] US ['ɑ:k-] verb intransitive or transitive
■If a substance oxidizes, it combines with oxygen and loses hydrogen to form another substance, and if something oxidizes a substance, it causes it to do this. 氧化;生锈
Iron oxidizes to form rust.铁氧化形成铁锈。
When you heat fat, it oxidizes easily.脂肪在燃烧时迅速氧化。
■If a chemical element oxidizes, it loses electrons (= very small pieces of matter with negative electrical charge) and if you oxidize it, you cause it to do this. (使)氧化(化学元素的氧化反应,指原子失去带负电荷的电子)




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