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单词 reconstruct
释义 reconstruct
[ˌri:.kən'strʌkt] verb transitive
■to build or create again something that has been damaged or destroyed 重建,改建,重造(被毁的事物)
The post-war government had the enormous task of reconstructing the city.战后的政府担负着重建该城市的艰巨任务。
■to change a system or organization completely, so that it works more effectively (为了取得效率而对系统、组织等进行)重建,重组,改组
They were given the task of reconstructing the city's public transport system.重建该市公交系统的任务交给了他们。
■If you reconstruct something that has happened in the past, you combine a lot of information in order to get a complete description of what happened (根据许多资讯对发生的事情)重现描述,使重现,使再现
The police tried to reconstruct the crime using the statements of witnesses.警方设法利用目击证人的陈述来重现犯罪过程。




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