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单词 badger
释义 badger
UK ['bædʒ.ər] US [-ɚ] noun countable
■an animal with greyish brown fur, a black and white head and a pointed face, which lives underground and comes out to feed at night 獾
UK ['bædʒ.ər] US [-ɚ] verb transitive
■to persuade someone by telling them repeatedly to do something, or to question someone repeatedly 困扰;纠缠
Stop badgering me - I'll do it when I'm ready.别再烦我了——我准备好了就会做的。
[+ into + -ing verb] She's been badgering me into doing some exercise.她一直劝我做做运动。
[+ to infinitive] Every time we go into a shop, the kids badger me to buy them sweets.每次走进商店里,孩子们总是苦苦要求我,给他们买些糖果。




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