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单词 sleek
释义 sleek
[sli:k] adjective
■(especially of hair, clothes or shapes) smooth, shiny and lying close to the body, and therefore looking well cared for; not untidy and with no parts sticking out (尤指头发、衣服)平滑发亮的,整洁的;(外形)线条流畅的
The cat had sleek fur.那只猫的皮毛油光发亮。
Who owns that sleek black car parked outside your house?停在你房子外面的那辆造型优雅的黑色汽车是谁的?
disapproving He's one of those sleek (= seeming rich and dishonest) businessman types.他是那种很滑头的生意人。
[sli:k] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] sleek back/down
■to make something such as hair smooth, shiny and flat 把(头发等)梳理光滑
Before going to the party, he sleeked back his hair with hair cream.去参加派对前,他用发油将头发梳理得平滑光亮。




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